Category Archives: Popular

Confidant(e) – (Americana/Alt. Folk)

Confidant is a collaborative project between Jon Bellona and Samira Potts. Based on their diverse love of music (ranging from Townes Van Zandt to Adele), the duo began writing and performing kitschy, alternative folk, embellished with country twang and vocal harmonies. All sessions are engineered, mixed, and produced by Jon Bellona. Confidant’s music is available at:

Their latest album, Live! Empty House, is now on Spotify.

Pope Blackout (Noise Pop)

Pope Blackout is an indie-rock inspired outlet for electro-acoustic composer Jon Bellona. This three-song EP delves into emitting noise as art, and one can hear inspirations like My Bloody Valentine and Sonic Youth coming through the mix. When Jon is not modifying oscillators, the Pope is at the console.

Edgy Citizens (Indie)

Cary James, Evan James, and Jon Bellona came together through various avenues. As Cary and Jon had a previous project known as The Landscapers, The Edgy Citizens burgeoned on their conversations of live records and wavy, pastiche pop. Their debut, “If I Had A Hi-Fi”, premiered in January, 2003, and was cut live with two additional session players – Lindsay Papsmear on bass, and Ben Salzman on drums – around one Neumann SM69. Our heroes sounded the various guitar noises and spit vocals. To date, the group is on hiatus working on solo projects.

Ariskany Records